"the Fangio's"?:?: = France Show

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Hi Geoff and Leanne

Postby si21 » Tue Jan 12, 2010 4:50 pm

Thanks for the thought was going to try and make it but off work at the moment slipped on the ice and have given an oldinjury more than a little poke so I am an invalid at the moment can just about make it to the van!!!
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Postby stephendell » Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:05 pm

Thanks for telling us, a bit late now!

You had 24 hours more notice than I did :wink:

I think the tickets went in the post Tuesday or Wednesday to the 'select few' (Fangio's chosen ones) and then I completely forgot about them as I wasn't planning on going.

I was supposed to be in Ireland & Shropshire Fri to Sun, but got a call from Jeff 'Fangio' Sasin Thu PM asking for a car loan as all the RCCC boys were snowed in and there was a big car sized gap on their stand!

Always one to return a favour, got the 610 there and reasonably clean by 8pm just before they shut the doors.

Wasn't due to pick back up until Monday after the show had finished but caught about 90mins Sunday PM as I came back from the Ireland trip early because Sarah's Nan had died Thu night just before I left.

Apart from the three lone cars was mostly food, drink, finance for properties abroad and properties advertised for sale abroad. Highlights were count the corks in a Scenic, estimate the zimbawee dollars value in GBP (on the floor) and some can can girls!

By the way 100 Trillion Zimbabwee dollars = 20p approx. :shock:
Trafic, Twingo GT, Vel Satis Turbo x 2, Clio V6 Proto Ph2, Vel Satis 3.5, Avantime, Alpine A610, GTA Atmo x 3, GTA Turbo x 3, R5 Gordini Turbo Mid Engine, Alpine A310 4cyl, Alpine A110, Yellow Smart
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Postby eastlmark » Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:57 pm

Hang on. Why Zimbabwee Dollars at a French show?

sorry to hear about Sarahs loss by the way, pass on my condolences.
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Postby stephendell » Wed Jan 13, 2010 11:02 am

Hang on. Why Zimbabwee Dollars at a French show?

Not the best choice I guess. One of the currency specialists had a floor made out of Zimbabwee dollars. If you guessed the equivalent in GBP correctly you won the amount in cash. Problem is I think it only amounted to around £57 by the time I'd bothered sitting down and working it out!

Even worse though. When I left on Thursday night a sausage seller had just erected a gaint sign 'Best British Sauasages'. Needless to say it had been taken down when I went back to collect the car. You'd have though the brief was pretty obvious. Now where's the best place to sell my award winning British sausages? Hmm think I'll book a stand at the 'FRANCE show' :roll:

Tasted OK though :lol:

sorry to hear about Sarahs loss by the way, pass on my condolences.

Will do thanks. Odd day. Both nans in hospital. One at 6pm with a broken arm. One at 8pm with a heart attack.
Trafic, Twingo GT, Vel Satis Turbo x 2, Clio V6 Proto Ph2, Vel Satis 3.5, Avantime, Alpine A610, GTA Atmo x 3, GTA Turbo x 3, R5 Gordini Turbo Mid Engine, Alpine A310 4cyl, Alpine A110, Yellow Smart

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