Answer from number 10!

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Answer from number 10!

Postby darrenbiggs » Thu Jun 28, 2007 1:18 pm

Just got this response by e-mail. One day into Gordon Brown's leadership. Different style of government eh? There's not even a nod to investigating the questions being asked.

Scrapcam - epetition reply28 June 2007

We received a petition asking:

"We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to scrap speed cameras."

Details of Petition:

"After 15 years of speed cameras on British roads, neither road deaths nor hospitalisations have fallen as expected. Drivers know as if by instinct that speed cameras are the wrong road safety policy. The extensive research and analysis conducted by the Safe Speed road safety campaign confirms that drivers have been right all along. Far from making our roads safer, speed cameras have replaced genuine life saving policies and distracted everyone from more important safety factors. Instead... - We must have road safety policies based on skills, attitudes and responsibilities - We must have effective roads policing especially to deal with 'rogue drivers' - We must avoid needlessly prosecuting skilled and responsible drivers driving safely - We must measure what is important, not make important that which is easily measured - and you can't measure safe driving in miles per hour."

Read the petition
Petitions home page
Read the Government's responseThank you for taking the time to register your views about safety cameras on the Number 10 website.

Speeding kills. It is a contributory factor in 26% of all fatal accidents in Great Britain.

The facts are stark. If a child pedestrian is hit at 30mph they stand an 80% chance of surviving. But if they are hit at 40mph they stand an 80% chance of dying. That is why the Government is committed to achieving appropriate vehicle speeds on the roads as part of its integrated road safety strategy.

We are succeeding in changing attitudes, and in making drivers realise that one of their responsibilities is to comply with speed limits. The proportion of car drivers who comply with the 30mph limit has greatly increased over the last few years.

Safety cameras provide a valuable and cost-effective method of preventing, detecting and enforcing speed and traffic light offences. Their use is based on solid evidence. All reliable research from around the world clearly demonstrates that cameras reduce speeds and save lives.

Independent research (new window), published in December 2005, shows that safety cameras had saved around 1,745 people from being killed or seriously injured, and had prevented around 4,230 personal injury collisions on Britain's roads each year.

And while they are saving lives, safety cameras will remain a key part of our road safety strategy.
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Postby Stunned Monkey » Thu Jun 28, 2007 6:47 pm

Grr tihs sort of propaganda makes my blood boil

1: They do not define the word "speeding". I believe that in all official studies it is not simply definied as "exceeding the speed limit" but also exceeding the safe limit imposed by the road/weathe conditions, the state of the vehicle or the ability of the driver...

2: 30 vs 40mph - fine. N arcuments. Discourage speeding through villages ouotside schools etc. But keep the off the opwn fast roads!
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Postby Alan Moore » Fri Jun 29, 2007 1:43 am

Speeding causes 26% of fatal crashes in the UK, what kills 74% of the others. Perhaps what makes up the greater percentage should be looked at more carefully. I do though agree with the low speed limits in built up and school areas to hopefully lower pedestrian deaths.
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Postby darrenbiggs » Fri Jun 29, 2007 9:37 am

My problem isn't with the speed limits it's with the way the government chooses to ignore the results of it's own findings. The TRL (the official gvt research dept) has published what are scientifically based figures stating it's 5% of accidents caused by excessive speed. So what about the other 95% - the TRL has catalogued these too and given reasons, but it's easier to come up with nonsense and twist the figures.

Same goes for speed cameras. The stats show that the flashing 30mph signs are massively more effective. But road deaths are up and so is drink driving so surely taking another look at the approach is worthwhile!!??

Truth be told speeding is surely a contributory factor in 99.9% of all fatal accidents in Great Britain. If you aren't moving I doubt it's gonna hurt :lol: Short of shutting your finger in the door I can't see how else a car is dangerous :lol:

Bring back the Green Cross Code man that's what I say.
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Postby clee » Fri Jun 29, 2007 10:12 am

It's just another example of ballshot Britain today
I'm off down Tescos now ,on the bus with my bike to pick up some ,Fair deal,unpackaged ,low Gi ,low salt ,small carbon footprint ,zero alcohol ,smoke free ,organic free range ......asp wipes .
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Postby Alpineandy » Fri Jun 29, 2007 6:50 pm

darrenbiggs wrote:Truth be told speeding is surely a contributory factor in 99.9% of all fatal accidents in Great Britain. If you aren't moving I doubt it's gonna hurt

So you're saying that the bus driver that had a heart attack and knocked a guy over (result one 'ex' guy) was caused by speeding :?

The government is now falling for its own 'hook' phrase.
It isn't speed that kills, It's inappropriate speed that kills.
If you're driving along zig-zagin between middle lane and fast lane of a motorway at 15mph you will kill someone eventually.
Is that too fast? No.
Is that your fault? Yes.
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